Outdoor Buddies Practice Clay Shoot – 07/08/17

Outdoor Buddies Practice Clay Shoot
Green Mill Sportsman’s Club
Saturday, July 08, 2017

Outdoor Buddies has scheduled a clay shoot for Saturday, July 08, 2017 to be held at Green Mill Sportsman’s Club.

Participation Details

Participants: 12 Handi-Buddies

Participation is first come/first serve but team requests are taken.

In the event team is short, names will be drawn on Thursday June 29, 2017 (requests cut-off is 8:00 PM).

If less than 12 Handi-Buddies apply, teams will be completed by able buddies.

  • 3-4 person teams
  • 50 rounds fired per individual

Cost to participants: $0

Event Details

Outdoor Buddies will provide the following:

  • 12 and 20 gauge shells
  • shooting clays
  • scorers (2)
  • lunch
  • helpers (2 per team plus 2 general)

Green Mill will provide the following:

  • Range officers
  • Trap operators


Registration, Safety and Rules: 8:30 AM to 9:00 AM

Shooting: 9:15 AM to Completion

Lunch: After shooting completed


Green Mill Sportsman’s Club

Go 3 miles west of I025 (Exit 232) to light at Bonanza.
Turn left and take first left to dirt road and continue for 3/4 mile to facility.


Eye and ear protection are required! If you do not have eye and ear protection devices they will be available. All participants and helpers must provide a valid driver’s license, passport, or other photo identification is required and a liability waiver must be completed by all participants and helpers.

For reservations: Please call 303.985.2293 or email [email protected].