2023 – St. Vrain Ice Fishing


Ice Fishing at St. Vrain State Park

March 4, 2023


Join Outdoor Buddies for a day of ice fishing at St Vrain State Park! Ice fishing gear will be provided to those that need it and mobile track chairs will be available to those in need. ODB will provide snacks and drinks and our volunteers will assist with any ice fishing and/or mobility needs. Please be sure to bring cold weather clothing (a water proof outer layer is best), warm boots, and a change of clothing. If you have ice fishing gear/lures that you like, please feel free to bring it along.

Outdoor Buddy Volunteers are asked to report to the meeting site by 7:00 AM to help set up. Outdoor Buddy members who will be fishing are asked to arrive at 8 am to start fishing!

If you are interested in attending as a volunteer helper or as an ODB member to fish, please email Nate Lucht as soon as possible so we can make accommodations. Nate’s email is [email protected]. Please also include “St. Vrain Ice Fishing” in the subject line of your email.

Ice conditions at St. Vrain will be monitored in advance of the event. Should the ice not be suitable for foot traffic and track chairs, the location of the event will change to a high elevation lake (TBD). In the event of a change in location, an email will be sent to everyone who emailed confirmation to Nate with the new location.

We look forward to seeing you all there!



Email Nate Lucht at [email protected].